youth & adult programs



World Taekwondo Programs Fairfield, CT

Students start as non-belt and will progress to a white belt and then a yellow belt through Belt Promotion Tests that occur every two months.

Students will learn the basic skills of Taekwondo. They will be exposed to basic forms, kicks, blocks, and strikes, along with board breaking and self-defense. Beginner Students will develop their strength and coordination as they move through the curriculum. Students will develop a sense of respect for themselves and for others.

    Little Tiger (3-5)

    • Learn how to follow directions
    • Learn to sense your body using, legs, arms, hands & feet
    • Learn respect for your parents, friends, and teachers and community

     Youth (5-11)

    • Learn teamwork during Taekwondo training
    • Learn to ‘never give up’ by  endurance training
    • Correct posture to keep your body in the right shape
    • Learn how to respect people
    • Learn about Korean culture
    • Reinforce body strength through taekwondo training
    • Build confidence through board breaking
    • Self-defense

    Adult (12 +)

    • Training & cardio exercise
    • Reinforce body strength through taekwondo training
    • Memorize Taekwondo forms which helps  to activate brain functionality
    • Learn self-defense

    National Team

    • Challenge yourself to the National championship level
    • Push your limits to excel to a higher level
    • Adopt a never give up mind setting
    • Become a goal oriented World champion
    • Ability to train mind and body & spirit at the same time

    Semi-Private Assessment Lesson

     Each half-hour Semi-Private Assessment Lesson (SPAL) is designed specifically to assess students of all ages and abilities.

    The SPAL lesson introduces the prospective student to some basic Taekwondo skills. The Master is able to get to know the student, and the student gets a chance to learn from the Master.

    We ask that parent(s) watch the SPAL inside the World Taekwondo Studio to learn about our program and gain trust in our approach.

    After the Semi-Private Assessment Lesson, the Master will determine the appropriate program going forward. Students may join as a member and can attend two taekwondo classes per week.


    A half-hour private lesson with the Master
    $60 Credit card payment
    $10 per each additional sibling at the same SPAL Lesson

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